You Are Never Too Old to Cannonball
I took the lead as tour guide on this vacation, which is a bit of a role reversal. TB can be quite overwhelming with his detailed itineraries and spread sheets - so we decided to do a "Leslie" vacation this time. He certainly had his doubts about my abilities (and rightly so when I was in charge of the map), but once I found the Queen's Bath on Kauai, he had complete confidence in me!

It took about a 5 minute hike to get to a lava field, then a short walk down the lava rocks and you found a hollowed out section of the lava where the ocean waves would crash and continually recycle the water. When we first got there, the first thing that popped into our heads was "This will be the perfect place to cannonball!" It was just the two of us so we immediately start our cannonball photo shoot. About 1/2 an hour into the shoot (I had to get just the right shot!), we realized quite a crowd had arrived and were looking at us funny...... Oh well.
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